I think he just show me something...
I really wish that i dont mistake about that but i just get some ponint that i have to follow...
I know it could be so difficult but it literally like i was born for this...
Idon't know who to explain this feel that i have right know but i swear it's different...
It like it gave some dots of light to my completely dark life, it's like a Lantern if i explain it truly, it bring me some lettle hope that i could live at list once!
Iknow that it is so so strange that i tell this right here right know literally in the middle of night but trust me, it is so important... It is....
Idon't know it like a lightning it just come and go so fast so effective..!
Iknow i have to go through soooo many challenges and i truuuly know that im not that ready but once i read somewhere that if a dream just came a cross your thoughts it meant to came a cross your life...
Ya iknow that no one else is out there to here my voice and I'm absolutely alone... But i learn something from my past bad experience that i never really could forget it... BUT I LEARN!....
learn to found someone to help me... I learned that someone out ther put the danger avay and live her/his life the way that she/he always want...
So why i burn the times that giving to me?i can do it I'm not alone i know that if i look close i can see persons that they have my aims too..
The sentence that so expiring me is"DONT LET NOBODY STILL YOUR DREAM"
im ganna live my dream no matter what it takes...
- ۹۷/۰۳/۱۰