I forgot my name...
I totally lose my self
I don't know who i am right now
But they keep me alive
Yes im still alive...
My heart still beating
Its not me enymore
I want my self back
I remember me as a girl...
She has always has big big dreams
She was everything to me
I lost her
And i can't find her enymore...
What do they don to me?
I'm just wondering around and find some ponints....
But im sure
Its not me...
Me was different...
They don't let me to have her enymore
But im scared without her
Im scared...
It's to cold
there is no one around me
They lucked me up
Is it ok for interpol?
Couse I'm feel something
Something like they don't have the right to do that but they do it enyway and no one say anything
No ones here to help me
Pain is reaching through my veins
I can feel it every moment
I know that no one listen to me as always they do
But im say it enyway...
- ۹۷/۱۱/۲۶